New business area. Same great service

High customer service has been our trademark since 1988. Whether we create laundries or charging solutions, we understand our customers and recognise the value of professional user support and operational reliability in daily operations.

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“Was the customer satisfied?”

"When I started the company in 1988, I placed a label on the dashboard of my service vehicle with the text "Was the customer satisfied?" This uncompromising approach to customer service remains central."

- Tom Madsen, founder of Nortec.

Always nearby

We have a team of over 45 service technicians covering Denmark. They happily travel to all corners of the kingdom, ensuring you receive quick and qualified assistance, no matter where you are located.

Nationwide team of our own service technicians

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Always in stock

Spare parts

Specially trained in charging station service

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Is it okay to applaud your own customer service?

We feel like doing it. Each year, our 11 sharp minds in the customer service department in Vejle receive over 50,000 questions about various issues. With clarity and care, they solve problems or guide our dear customers safely forward. 9 out of 10 even receive immediate assistance.