No fine print
Here are six key points in the TotalCare Go agreement. Hopefully, you can sense that we love transparency and security. If you would like to see the remaining eight points in the agreement, just let us know!

Support and service
We handle the ongoing service maintenance of the charging stations as well as daily user support. All users can request service or contact customer service every day, 365 days a year.
Insurance included
We insure the equipment at your charging station against fire, vandalism, theft and water damage. Quite simple and wonderfully secure.

Contract length
The contract length for TotalCare Go agreements can vary. Typically, we make a 10-year agreement, as our charging stations are built to last at least that long. This way, the equipment is depreciated over the longest possible time, keeping the charging price as low as possible for the benefit of users.

Replacement of charging station
If a charging station fails, we will promptly replace it with a similar or better model at no cost to you. You are thus ensured a functional and modern charging station for all the years you have TotalCare Go.
Short notice period
Regardless of the contract length, you can always terminate the agreement with just one year's notice. You simply buy out the charging stations at their depreciated value at the time (calculated from 100% at the start to 0% at the agreed contract end).

Hand on the stove
If, contrary to expectations, you do not experience a functional charging station, you can terminate the agreement with immediate effect. We thrive best when both parties in the agreement are happy.